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Phyxing Physio

In this project, I wanted to use assistive technology to a problem that most people suffer from. Because I am an athlete, I get injured a lot, and as a result, I usually am in physiotherapy. So, I wanted to create a device that could correct the performance of exercises, and therefore speed up recovery while in physiotherapy. I interviewed a physiotherapist, and she concluded that the most difficult exercise to perform is the single leg squat, but it is also one of the most beneficial exercises if performed correctly, so I created a device. To make sure that the device did not compromise the muscle usage of the exercise, I used a MyoWare (muscle sensing technology), to help measure the stimulation of muscles, and it confirmed that the muscle usage was not negatively impacted with the use of the device. From the testing I did on my subjects, the assistive device indeed did improve the form of the exercise, and so that was a successful innovation. After winning the best engineering award at the Waterloo-Wellington regional science fair, I was selected to go to the Canada Wide Science Fair, where I earned a bronze medal.

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