Go Green, Drive Clean
In my project, I developed a model to calculate, with high accuracy, the total fuel consumption of different routes for any given trip...
Settlegration is an app that allows locals and newcomers to interact through a variety of custom services. Newcomers are able to post...
Phyxing Physio
In this project, I wanted to use assistive technology to a problem that most people suffer from. Because I am an athlete, I get injured a...
Understanding Dyslexia
In grade 7, I started to think of different diseases that could be assisted through technology. I was interested in dyslexia, a learning...
Papyrus to Printing
In this project I wanted to try and study something completely different. I wanted to study the origins and evolution of paper; how we...
Tic Tac Toe
For my second school science fair project, I decided to stay on the topic of technology, and use the science of touch screens to create a...
My Very First Project
In grade 3, I was amazed by electricity and technology, and was curious to learn more about it, so I decided that I would make my very...